My work with AECOM led me to work on a green transportation initiative across Massachusetts. During my time I was able to spearhead several projects and initiatives, such as leading a pilot project to introduce digital options to improve the efficiency of our commuter programs, as well as efforts to optimize data collection from flagship events with our sister programs across the country. My main responsibilities included participating in outreach events at employers across the state to promote commuter programs, as well as managing their respective user databases. Additionally, I managed the creation of certain promotional materials for outreach events and helped build and maintain relationships with contacts and external partner organizations

Work Examples

TDM Try-It-Day Data Analysis

I had the opportunity to analyze data from both our project and other AECOM Transportation Demand Management (TDM) projects across the country. The objective of this project was to identify key drivers of success in our “Try-It-Day” events to enable the creation of a “playbook", or standardized approach, for these types of events across the company. Following my analysis, I presented key findings and takeaways to project managers at each TDM project location, which resulted in the creation of an event best practices guide for the entire TDM sector at AECOM.


Emergency Ride home reimbursement Pilot program

I led an effort to find a more efficient process to facilitate our Emergency Ride Home program reimbursements. Originally we would process and mail checks to users through our company, however I found a way to fulfill them virtually, therefore reducing the cost of processing reimbursements & the turnaround time for customers to receive their reimbursement. I researched different services in this sector and eventually reached a deal with a third party provider to allow us to send virtual reimbursements via email.


Try-It-Day Event Planning

On multiple occasions, I assisted with or lead the planning of a “Try-It-Day” event with one of our partners. The goal of these events was to plan a day for employees of partner organizations to try a new, sustainable method of commuting (ex. carpooling or public transit). This involved working with the partner to put together a detailed plan of promotion and execution, including table locations, supporting materials (fliers, emails, posters, etc), and scheduling.